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Monday, June 13, 2011


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This figures from Harvest Road's puhbsiled 2007 Accounts Aus$20072006 Revenue2,749,3405,512,998 Profit-4,607,352-659,977show the dramatic shift from a 10% loss in 2006 to meltdown in 2007, and this extract from the Chairman's statement in the accounts put the Giunti acquisition in context: Earlier this year the Company embarked on a move from our traditional direct selling model to that of a partnership distribution model whereby the Company would leverage off existing client relationships.Unfortunately the take up by partners was slower than forecast and as a result the Company has been forced to reassess its strategic direction and funding requirements. Consequently HarvestRoad is looking at a number of commercialisation options in relation to its product suite, assets and intellectual property as was advised to the market on 4 September 2007. These include:* Continuing to negotiate a global marketing agreement with BAE Systems, its cornerstone customer for the “Distributed Publishing – Electronic Publishing Support System” as part of an overall services solution.* Discussions with other interested parties in providing solutions in the defence industry markets particularly in the UK and Europe.* Looking at joint venture partners or parties interested in acquiring our existing HarvestRoad Hive Learning Object Repository software to help leverage a total solution commercialisation strategy on a global basis.In the meantime we continue to manage our direct sales and existing partner resources to deal with our priority activities and successes in the US, French, UK, Norwegian and German markets and some very exciting opportunities with the State of California and the ministries of Defence in NATO.The directors remain confident that the HarvestRoad Hive intellectual property rights, the HarvestRoad brandingand its market positioning has significant value which is expected to be realised in the next six months.I thank shareholders for their continuing support and my fellow directors and our dedicated management and staff for their ongoing contributions.John McConnellChairman


Paula Weir - Julie change is aalwys good. I wanted to share our big news with you we are getting a new puppy (a whippet) the first week of June. It's been 2 years since our beloved Ranger passed and we feel we are ready to open our hearts to another dog in our family. We are looking forward to the change and want to thank you again for the FABULOUS pictures you took of Ranger.

James @ BI Monkey

I'm half in half out with Steve's view - though Steve i'd advise spending some time over at "Analyst First" - http://analystfirst.com/.

The reality is the tools may be cheaper (with a compromise that they are less functional), tool capabilities are more or less irrelevant to success.

Without the backing of good people who know how to use them, it makes no odds if you are using IBM Megaproduct or Open Source NicheProduct as your tool. You'll still waste time and money.

The megavendors have the advantage that they have more bodies who are skilled in their tools, so it's easier to find the capable architects and developers you need.

vincent mcburney

I work for an IBM partner so I am biased but I do not think it is as simple as picking the cheapest product. If that were the case then Telstra could move their Data Warehouse off Teradata and on to MS Access. The software evaluation process needs to take into account scalability, functionality, productivity and ease of use etc.

The SIMO vendors are aware of the price pressure of open source tools or emerging niche vendors and we have to be thankful for the way these smaller vendors are driving innovation and value for money. A couple years ago IBM introduced Cognos Express with the aim of getting smaller companies a wide range of BI and planning functions for less than $100K. This year they introduced the WorkGroup Edition for Information Server which offers DataStage, Glossary, QualityStage etc at 50% off list price plus whatever discount you can get during the evaluation process. The annual software maintenance can work out to be cheaper than the annual support license for open source tools.

I do not think "50% or more of the benefits at 15% or less of the cost" is good enough. If you are talking about a productivity tool like ETL or data profiling and you start with a tool with only 50% of the benefits you multiple this across half a dozen BAs and a dozen developers and testers and you find yourself spending an extra million dollars in permanent/contractor/consulting salaries and fees. Then there is the cost of a failed IT project or a solution that needs to be replaced or rewritten within three years. Providing governance and reducing risk is why all the major Australian banks use the full Information Server suite (to varying degrees).

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