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Tuesday, December 14, 2010


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I agree. Memorial day doesn't mean anything to our gtearneion but I bet to those who fought in Vietnam or Korea, or WWII, memorial day means remembering those they lost. Which, I believe is what September 11th is really all about.

Scanshell Store

Your highlights helped me to make a wise decision regarding my content management system, I think that not analyzing your business performance is a promising recipe for a business failure..


Memorial is a Public Hospital, a Safety Net Hospital, which conant be sold, conant give profits to taxpayers, and the Attorney General has agreed to look at how difficult it is for him.I have a Power Point of a year's study of Memorial, I would like to show you (30 ). It suggests a County Wide Hospital Distict like Denver & Dallas do well with. Memorial has been denied $25M +/- in state and federal grants. The Health Dept. has access to many federal pass thru's to Memorial.


Memorial is a Public Hospital, a Safety Net Hospital, which connat be sold, connat give profits to taxpayers, and the Attorney General has agreed to look at how difficult it is for him.I have a Power Point of a year's study of Memorial, I would like to show you (30 ). It suggests a County Wide Hospital Distict like Denver & Dallas do well with. Memorial has been denied $25M +/- in state and federal grants. The Health Dept. has access to many federal pass thru's to Memorial.


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records management

Thank you for highlighting the importance of information governance in content management. It not only covers the retention and disposition of the content, archiving the data as well as metadata about the records also. Metadata means information about the data. Keeping details of the work done in past helps in todays and future work.

records management

Thank you for highlighting the importance of information governance in content management. It not only covers the retention and disposition of the content, archiving the data as well as metadata about the records also. Metadata means information about the data. Keeping details of the work done in past helps in todays and future work.

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