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Monday, March 22, 2010


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How would i get online Business mainktreg services? What companys are there in Market?I want to get online Business mainktreg services.like mainktreg services like lead generation, market research and analysis, search engine optimization, product launch, product promotion- through print and digital medium, development of website, internet mainktreg services, e-commerce solution. Can any body give helpful sugesstions to me.

Steve Bennett

Thanks for the comment Gordon - very kind.

Royalties can be sent to the 'Sunnydale Rest Home for Retired Analysts'!

I will be there before you know it.

For anyone reading, here is the link to Gordon's own blog http://www.performancecontroller.com/


Gordon Wood


This is a post every business and IT person should read and understand.

I think it needs to be on your features page for permanent reference.

I believe I will use this over and over to balance and get on resourcing sorted out in the same way as we use SDLC diagrams to facilitate lock in on project stages and detail Value Chain diagrams to sort out processes.

I may have more commnets as I study this more.

In the meantime where do I send the royalty payments?


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