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Wednesday, December 09, 2009


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Hi Genghis,yep I did the official baenbasd 00 froyo just 2 nights ago..just love the new features such as wifi hotspot, swype and flash support I will let you know if the mugen 1800Mha battery makes a significance difference my gadget mate just bought 2 and claims to have already seen a longer battery life after first charge! Would love the 4800mha which claims triple the capacity over std but just too bulky.


Wow, I thought the teceloms were bad up here in Canada. Those bandwidth caps are atrocious! Plus, prices are pretty insane too you're looking at $99 for broadband (20GB/month limit) and VOIP phone only?Perhaps it's time I stopped complaining about the situation here in Canada, eh?


Tim - absolutely agree. Analytics is not IT and requires different skills to operate and manage. The capabilities required are different, not better or worse than the other.

I still want to have my data integration experts in close contact with the analytics people so as to maximise the amount of customer insight I get. So I'm happy to hear that it is *maybe* the IT management aspects that are being outsourced at Optus.

Thanks for the post.


ps. Keep on blogging!


Thanks for the comment and the link to Tim Manns' blog. I know it and like it (or at least the bits I understand I do ... ). As to how they are doing on analytics, I was comparing what others in Telecoms are doing - and not just in Australia.

No criticism of Tim was implied or intended (quite the contracy!) as the issue is more around the businesses ability to make use of analytics.

What we need is a bit of disclosure around how everbody's models are performing. That's not going to happen anytime soon and even if we did see some data, the question would remain: Are we comparing apples with apples? Do we both define lift in the same way, etc? I think that Tim has also talked about this on his blog.



Hi Steve,

From a purley personal point of view, *maybe* its more of a IT management role that is outsourced. Telcoms often have huge datawarehouses and systems that run 24/7. Outsourcing IT systems to staff that operate out-of-hours and fix bugs etc seems like a common thing many organisations might do.

Analytics of data warehouses and customer insights is a completely different skillset than managing an IT system such as massively multi-parrallel data warehouse. I believe advanced analytics requires a lot of business knowledge and is far less likely to be outsourced by any organisation for exactly the reasons you mention :)

- Tim


It is hard to say what if any impact the outsourcing will have on analytics, but from what I read at http://timmanns.blogspot.com it does not sound like they are doing to badly on the analytics front...

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