For anyone who is passionate about BIIM, they should know about a new academic journal out of the US: International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR). This is an official publication of the Information Resources Management Association. The Editor-in-Chief is Richard T. Herschel, the Chair of the Department of Decision & System Sciences at Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, USA. He also writes on education for the BeyeNETWORK. The journal is published quarterly and you can subscribe for US$545 per annum.
Here's how the journal describes itself:
"The International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR) is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to exchanging the latest academic research and practical findings on all aspects of managing business intelligence in organizations. IJBIR serves to improve the role, scope, and impact of BI on decision making and to provide a mechanism for sharing research to a global audience. This journal publishes original research and case studies by academic, business, and government contributors on strategies, tools, techniques, and technologies for business intelligence. Providing a global forum for the investigation and reporting of diverse aspects and issues that affect business intelligence, IJBIR targets researchers, practitioners, academicians, knowledge management researchers, and other industry-related experts."
Here is a brochure about the journal that details participants and areas of interest:
Three local people are involved as members of the International Editorial Review Board:
- Michael Lane, University of Southern Queensland
- Olivera Marjanovic, University of Sydney
- Zhaohao Sun, University of Ballarat
The Editor-in-Chief and the Associate Editors are all US-based academics, vendor employees (SAS, Microsoft) or consultants (Gartner, Six Sigma BI) so I would be interested in hearing from anyone how really international the journal is.
These are great pages, Karen. I don't know why your Mom didn't want that picture in your jouarnl! I'm so glad you've enjoyed making your jouarnl and it has turned out beautifully! I'm going to be teaching this class again soon locally.
Posted by: Yolz | Saturday, December 22, 2012 at 02:51 AM