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Tuesday, June 09, 2009


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The biggest poelbrm I see this making, is the ability to see what percent of web traffic is still on dial-up. Which in the, not so great, great state of Michigan can still be 25% and much much higher depending on where you are targeting. This information is important when you are building sites for clients that have specific target audiences or when you are trying to get a client to change over to a more media rich website after years of hosting a website optimized for dial-up.


The biggest polbrem I see this making, is the ability to see what percent of web traffic is still on dial-up. Which in the, not so great, great state of Michigan can still be 25% and much much higher depending on where you are targeting. This information is important when you are building sites for clients that have specific target audiences or when you are trying to get a client to change over to a more media rich website after years of hosting a website optimized for dial-up.


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bpc consultants

This seems like an obvious factor, but I am always surprised that during initial kick off sessions with new clients it becomes very clear that they do not know what they want their solution to provide them with. More often than not, I find that customers know what they don't want not what they want.

Thomas Malbaux


Great post and great idea/concept!
To me, this is a name on what "true" BI is :-)

I made a blog post on Cogoobi (french blog dealing with BI and enterprise environment) in order to promote your idea and help spread the word to the world ;-) : http://www.cogoobi.com/blog/2009/07/01/slow-business-intelligence-alias-decisionnel-raisonne

Thanks for your blog,
Thomas Malbaux
Cogoobi : www.cogoobi.com

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